Thursday, November 6, 2008

MY thoughts on November 4th, 2008

Whoa, what a night. I cannot begin to describe the emotions, the feelings, the thoughts and I just want to write it all down before I forget.

Last night was more than a victorious night; it was a remarkable, life-changing and an extraordinary night. Senator Barack Obama became the first African-American President-Elect of the United States of America. OMG!!!! is all I can say!!! I am soooo excited!!!!

I have been praying that the Lord will let the right person win this election and I told God that whoever He picked, I will respect and I will know that He has a plan for that President’s life. Last night, as I saw how the electoral map changed colors and the landslide by which Senator Barack Obama won, I knew that God wanted this to happen.
There were no “It’s too close to call” moments; there was no “this is going to be a tight race” moment. No, none of that, it was smooth, it was safe and it felt right.

Originally, I thought it was going to be a long night and I had planned to bake a cake as I waited the night, guess what, the night was over even before I started to bake. LOL!!! One moment, Obama was at 207 electoral votes and then I blinked for a moment and he was the next President-Elect. WOW!!!! I cannot say it enough, WOW!!!!

Let me pause for a moment here and say this, I have such a new-found love and a different level of respect for Senator John McCain. The man gave such an honorable speech last night, he re-gained all my respect. Senator John McCain, I commend you!!!!

Then it was time for President-Elect Barack Obama’s speech, at which point, my sister who I was on the phone with, hanged up on me and said, “He is coming up, Bye.” LOL!!! As I listened to this man, I knew that this is the man the Lord wants to lead this country.

His words “And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too” communicated the heart of this man.

His speech could have been one of those that talk about victory and present a magical future because of a victory, but no, it presented honesty and humility!!! What a man!!!
When he said “This is your victory”, that was when I balled. To think that not just America but the world has come this far!!!! Whoa!!!

I watched people of all walks of life and all races hug and shed tears as they watched this man give his speech at Grant’s Park and something inside of me told me that, for all the yuck that has transpired in this country, it all had to happen to get us to this moment. (Double OMG moment!!!)

As I was having my time with the Lord this morning, he spoke to me and said, “Orie, I want you to promise me that you will pray for Barack Obama every single day from now through the entire 4-year term!!!” Yes, Obama will need prayer for every path and direction he chooses from now on. He will need prayer that he is filled with the wisdom of God and the intuition from the Holy Spirit every single day. He needs prayer that he is surrounded by advisors who are men of God. He needs prayers for protection and safety everyday.
Some may think that the hard part if over, but oh no, it is yet to begin and we need to be hopeful each day both physically and spiritually!!!

For those, who have disliked Senator Obama because of his stand in the Abortion Rights issue, this is what I say, “instead of you being so angry, why don’t you get down on your knees and pray that God will change his heart about this issue.” Turn your cynicism into passion for prayer and let the peace of God fill you!!!

For those, who insult him and judge him, have you looked in the mirror this morning!! I did and guess what I saw, I saw a very imperfect Oriana and I know I have no right to judge anyone. We are all sons and daughters of God and he loves each of us the same. God loves Senator Barack Obama and He also loves Senator John McCain equally!!! Please do let the devil get a hold of you and cause you to judge.

I saw some of the youth in my church make negative comments about Senator Barack Obama on Facebook and they had comments like “We need God” and “we need to pray.” Whoa, if it takes the election of an African-American President to make our children start praying and seeking God, then it was all worth it. Need I say more….. :):):)

I just want to end by saying that, I am so proud of the people of the United States of America and I am so proud to be present in this country and alive to witness this monumental episode in the history of the world. Praise God!!!!

Friend, I challenge you to commit to pray for Senator Barack Obama every single day from this day, please join in the intercessory prayers that will go up every day for this country to move in the right direction.

With lots of love and blessings,

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